March 2017
Julia Kaufmann
& Lukas Feiler, Der Datenschutzbeauftragter unter der DSGVO: Deutschland als Vorbild? [The
Data Protection Officer Under the GDPR: Germany as a Role Model?], Compliance Praxis 1/2017, at 26
March 2017
Lukas Feiler
& Marisa Schlacher, Konzerninterne Datenübermittlungen
DSGVO-konform gestalten [Designing
Group-Internal Data Transfers in a GDPR-Compliant Fashion], Compliance Praxis 1/2017, at 28
February 2017
Lukas Feiler, EU-Entwurf bringt strengeren Datenschutz im Netz [EU Proposal Brings Tougher Data
Protection Online], E-Media, Feb. 2017, at 96 (Austria).
January 2017
Lukas Feiler, Massenüberwachung: Wer braucht noch die Vorratsdaten? [Mass
Surveillance: Who Still Needs Traffic Data Retention?], Die Presse,
January 23, 2017, at 14 (Austria).
January 2017
Lukas Feiler & Nikolaus Forgó, EU-DSGVO: EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung [EU GDPR: EU General Data Protection Regulation] (Verlag Österreich, 2017).
January 2017
Lukas Feiler
& Siegfried Fina, Datenschutzrecht [Data Protection Law] in , Handbuch Vertriebsrecht [Handbook Distribution Law] 425 (Alexander Petsche &
Marc Lager eds., 2017).
November 2016
Lukas Feiler, Öffnungsklauseln in der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung - Regelungsspielraum
des österreichischen Gesetzgebers [Opening
Clauses in the General Data Protection Regulation – Leeway for the Austrian
Legislator], 2016 jusIT 210 (Austria).
October 2016
Lukas Feiler, Leistungsschutz als Bumerang [Ancillary
Copyright as a Boomerang], Der Standard,
October 13, 2016, Supplement Business & Law, at 8 (Austria).
August 2016
Lukas Feiler, Privacy Shield: Datenschutz
als Fata Morgana [Privacy
Shield: Data Protection as a Mirage], E-Media, August 2016, at 96 (Austria).
July 2016
Lukas Feiler, Wenn Verträge automatisiert werden [When
Contracts are Being Automated], Die Presse, July 4, 2016, at
15 (Austria).
June 2016
Martina Grama & Lukas Feiler, Lack
of Trade Secrets Protection remedied by EU Directive, CEE Legal Matters, June 2016,
at 76.
May 2016
Martina Grama & Lukas Feiler, Gießkannenverbot für Verwertungsgesellschaften [Prohibition
for Collecting Societies to Scatter Funds Around], Der Standard, May 17, 2016, at 10 (Austria).
March 2016
Lukas Feiler, Datenschutz: Ein Schild, der keine
Deckung gibt [Data
Protection: A Shield that Provies No Cover], Die Presse,
March 14, 2016, at 15 (Austria).
March 2016
Lukas Feiler
& Ines Freitag, Social
Media Compliance – Risiken erkennen
und reduzieren [Social
Media Compliance – Recognizing and Reducing Risks], Compliance Praxis 1/2016, at 20
March 2016
Lukas Feiler
& Ines Freitag, Wege zur Datenschutz-Compliance
ohne Safe Harbor [Ways
to Data Protection Compiance Without Safe Harbor], Compliance Praxis 1/2016, at 32
February 2016
Lukas Feiler, Kommt ein Internetverbot für Unter-16-Jährige? [Will
There Be an Internet Ban for People Under 16], E-Media, Feb. 2016, at 94 (Austria).
December 2015
Lukas Feiler, Rechtschaos durch EU-Datenschutzreform [EU
Data Protection Reform Creates Legal Chaos], Der Standard, Dec. 21, 2015, at 12 (Austria).
November 2015
Lukas Feiler, Risikoadäquate Datensicherheitsmaßnahmen
gemäß § 14 DSG 2000 – Eine
kritische Betrachtung [Risk-Adequate
Data Security Measures under § 14 Data Protection Act 2000 – A Critical
Review], Jahrbuch Datenschutzrecht 2015 [Yearbook Data Protection Law 2015]
97 (Dietmar Jahnel
ed., 2015) (Austria)
October 2015
Lukas Feiler &
Alexander Petsche, Datentransfer wird nicht sicherer, nur komplizierter [Data
transfers do not get more secure, only more complicated], Der Standard,
Oct. 19, 2015, at 12 (Austria).
October 2015
Lukas Feiler, Big
Data: Präzise Prognosen mit rechtlichem Risiko [Big
Data: Precise Prediction with Legal Risk], Computerwelt.at,
Oct. 12, 2015 (Austria).
September 2015
Lukas Feiler
& Siegfried Fina, Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit [Data Protection and IT Security], in Haftung
und Risikomanagement im Unternehmen [Liability and Corporate Risk
Management] (2015) (Austria).
September 2015
to the Austrian chapter of the online publication Bloomberg Law:
Privacy & Data Security, Sept. 15, 2015.
September 2015
Lukas Feiler, Open Government 2.0 – Das neue unmittelbar anwendbare Grundrecht auf Zugang zu Informationen [Open Government 2.0 – The New Directly Applicable Fundamental Right to
Access to Information], Publication Series of the Lower Austrian Legal Society
(LexisNexis 2015)
August 2015
Lukas Feiler
& Bernhard Kainz, Autohacking noch nicht strafbar [Car
Hacking Not Yet a Criminal Offense], Die Presse,
August 24, 2015, at 10 (Austria).
July 2015
Lukas Feiler, Die Abgabe
auf Speichermedien kommt [Copyright
Levy to Enter Into Force], E-Media, July 15, 2015, at 144 (Austria).
June 2015
Lukas Feiler
& Holger Lutz, Schlüsseldienste im Visier: Haftung von Zertifizierungsstellen
für falsch ausgestellte SSL-/TLS-Zertifikate [Aiming
at the Key Service: Liability of Certificate Authorities for Incorrectly
Issued SSL/TLS Certificates], c’t 14/2015, at 146 (F.R.G.).
May 2015
Joachim Scherer, Lukas Feiler,
Caroline Heinickel & Holger
Lutz, “Digitaler
Kodex” – Zum Änderungsbedarf des Rechtsrahmens
aufgrund der Konvergenz – Studie
im Auftrag der Aktionslinie
Hessen-IT des Hessischen Ministeriums
für Wirtschaft, Energie, Verkehr und Landesentwicklung
Codex” – On the Need for Amendment of the Legal Framework due to Convergence –
Study Commissioned by the Action Line Hessen-IT of the Hessian Ministry of
Economics, Transportation, and Urban and Regional Development] (2015)
May 2015
Lukas Feiler, Zur Vergütung von Vervielfältigungen zum privaten Gebrauch auf Speicherkarten für Mobiltelefone – Entscheidungsanmerkung
zu EuGH 05.03.2015, C
463/12, Copydan Båndkopi/Nokia
Danmark A/S [The
Compensation for Private Copies on Storage Cards of Mobile Phones – Case Note
on ECJ case no. C 463/12, Copydan Båndkopi v. Nokia Danmark A/S], 2015 Zeitschrift für Informationsrecht [ZIR] 190 (Austria).
April 2015
Lukas Feiler
& Georg Krakow, Staatsschutz: Die Freiheit als Preis? [State
Security: Is Freedom the Price?], Der Standard,
April 8, 2015, at 31 (Austria).
March 2015
Lukas Feiler
& Holger Lutz, Data Disposal Security Requirements under EU, Austrian and German Law, World Data Protection Report,
Volume 15, No. 3, March 2015.
December 2014
Georg Diwok & Lukas Feiler, Internetriesen wollen Zahlungsdienste ohne Banken [Internet
Giants Want Payment Service without Banks], Der Standard, December 4, 2014, at 17 (Austria).
November 2014
Lukas Feiler, Informationsfreiheit vs. Datenschutz
- Datenschutz als Hemmschuh und Wegbereiter für das Grundrecht auf Zugang zu amtlichen
Informationen [Freedom
of Information v. Data Protection – Data Protection as Roadblock and Driver
of the Fundamental Right to Access to Government Information], Jahrbuch Datenschutzrecht 2014 [Yearbook Data
Protection Law 2014] 55 (Dietmar Jahnel ed., 2014).
November 2014
Caroline Heinickel & Lukas Feiler, Neuer Referentenentwurf zum IT-Sicherheitsgesetz [New
Proposal for the IT Security Act], cr-online.de, November 17, 2014 (F.R.G.).
November 2014
Caroline Heinickel & Lukas Feiler, Der Entwurf für ein
IT-Sicherheitsgesetz – europarechtlicher
Kontext und die (eigentlichen)
Bedürfnisse der Praxis [The Draft for an IT Security Act
– EU Law Context and (Actual) Business Needs], 2014 Computer und Recht
708 (F.R.G.).
November 2014
Lukas Feiler
& Bernhard Kainz, Veröffentlichte Inhalte zur freien Verwendung? [Published
Content Free for the Taking?], Die Presse, November 3, 2014,
at 16 (Austria).
October 2014
Lukas Feiler, Pflichten zur sicheren Datenentsorgung [Secure Data
Disposal Duties], 2014 Medien und Recht 274 (Austria).
September 2014
Lukas Feiler
& Marc Lager, Regulator
will unlauteren Gewinn kassieren [Regulator
Wants to Seize Unfair Profit], Der Standard,
September 29, 2014, at 11 (Austria).
July 2014
Lukas Feiler
& Marc Lager, Die
Mühen des Onlinevertriebs [The
Troubles of Online Distribution], Wirtschaftsblatt, July 24,
2014, at 10 (Austria).
May 2014
Alexander Schnider, Lukas Feiler & Bernhard Kainz,
Leerkassettenvergütung für
Computerfestplatten und Smartphone-Datenspeicher [The
Copyright Levy on Computer Hard Discs and Smartphone Data Storage Media], 2014 Österreichische Blätter für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz
und Urheberrecht [ÖBl] 113 (Austria).
April 2014
Lukas Feiler
& Alexander Schnider,
Webgesperrt: Europäischer Gerichtshof bejaht Website-Sperrungen bei Urheberrechtsverletzungen [Webblocked:
European Court of Justice Affirms Website Blockings in Case of Copyright
Infringement], c’t
10/2014, at 160 (F.R.G.).
April 2014
Lukas Feiler
& Alexander Schnider,
EU-Gericht entzieht Festplattenabgabe ihre Grundlage [EU
Court Destroys Basis for Private Copying Levy for Hard Disks], Der Standard, April 14, 2014, at 11 (Austria).
March 2014
Lukas Feiler
& Siegfried Fina, Big
Data under Austrian Data Protection Law, World Data Protection Report,
Volume 14, Number 3, March 2014.
March 2014
Imke Gerdes & Lukas Feiler, Bitcoin: Virtuelles Geld im rechtsfreien Raum? [Bitcoin: Virtual Money in a Legal Vacuum], Die Presse, March 3, 2014, at 16 (Austria).
January 2014
Lukas Feiler
& Siegfried Fina, Datenschutzrechtliche Schranken
für Big Data [Limits
for Big Data under Data Protection Law], 2013 Medien und Recht 309 (Austria).
January 2014
Lukas Feiler
& Alexander Schnider,
Festplattenabgabe auf Irrwegen [Misguided
Private Copying Levy for Hard Disks], DiePresse.com, January 24,
2014 (Austria).
November 2013
Lukas Feiler, Datenschutzrechtliche Herausforderungen
bei internen Compliance-Untersuchungen [Data
Protection-Related Challenges During Internal Compliance Investigations], in Jahrbuch Datenschutzrecht und E-Government 2013
[Yearbook Data Protection Law and E-Government 2013] (Dietmar Jahnel ed., 2013).
November 2013
Feiler, Soziale Medien – Die
Demokratisierung der Vierten Gewalt [Social Media – The Democratization of the Fourth Estate], in Meinungsfreiheit – Quo vadis? Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2012/2013 [Freedom of Expression – Quo
vadis? Yearbook Human Rights 2012/2013] 167 (Heiner Bielefeldt
et al. eds., 2013).
July 2013
Feiler, Computerstrafrecht, Datenschutzrecht, Urheberrecht [Computer Crime Law, Data Protection Law, Copyright Law], in Das
Neue Unternehmensstrafrecht [The New Corporate Crime Law] (Daisy Birtalan
& Alexander Skribe eds.,
2013) (Austria).
May 2013
Lukas Feiler, Auf
Zuruf muss Google Ruf schützen [Upon
Request, Google Must Protect Reputation], Die Presse,
May 21, 2013, at 11 (Austria).
March 2013
Lukas Feiler, Die
Cybersecurity-Richtlinie der
EU-Kommission [The
Cybersecurity Directive of the European Commission], Security Insider, March 28, 2013.
February 2013
Alexander Schnider & Lukas Feiler, Zulässige Privatkopie
ist totes Recht [The
Right to Private Copying is Dead], Der Standard, Feb. 13, 2013,
at 9 (Austria).
February 2013
Lukas Feiler
& Alexander Schnider,
Teilen eines Links auf Facebook kann strafbar machen [Sharing
a Link on Facebook Can Make Criminally Liable], Die Presse, Feb. 4, 2013, at 7 (Austria).
January 2013
Alexander Schnider & Lukas Feiler, High
Noon im Kampf um Technologielizenzen [High
Noon in the Fight for Technology Licenses], Der Standard, Jan. 9, 2013, at 21 (Austria).
December 2012
Lukas Feiler
& Alexander Schnider, Fragen für User, Antwort
für Urheber [Questions for Users, Answers for Copyright Holders], Die Presse, Dec. 10, 2012, at 16 (Austria).
September 2012
Lukas Feiler, Birth
of the First-Download Doctrine—The Application of the First-Sale Doctrine to
Internet Downloads under EU and US Copyright Law, Journal of Internet Law, Sept. 2012, at 1, based on Lukas Feiler, Birth of the First-Download Doctrine—The Application of the First-Sale
Doctrine to Internet Downloads under EU and US Copyright Law, Stanford-Vienna
Transatlantic Technology Law Forum (TTLF) Working Paper No. 17.
August 2012
Lukas Feiler
& Michaela Petsche, EuGH gewährt zweite Chance auf .eu-Wunschdomain [ECJ
Grants Second Chance to Obtain Preferred .eu Domain], Die Presse, Aug. 6, 2012, at 9 (Austria).
July 2012
Georg Kresbach & Lukas Feiler, Die
Grenzen des Keyword-Advertising [The
Legal Limits of Keyword Advertising], Recht.Extrajournal.Net Dossier, July 2012, at 12 (Austria).
June 2012
Georg Kresbach & Lukas Feiler, Neue Net-Adressen erschweren
Markenschutz [New Domain Names
Complicate Trademark Protection], Der Standard, June 27,
2012, at 28 (Austria).
June 2012
Alexander Schnider & Lukas Feiler, Prozedurale Prosa auf Europäisch – Kein Urheberrechtsschutz für Programmiersprachen [Procedural
Prose in Europe—No Copyright Protection for Programming Languages], c’t 13/2012, 154 (F.R.G.).
May 2012
Alexander Schnider & Lukas Feiler, wetter.tv – Keine Haftung des Unternehmers für eine Google AdWords-Anzeige, Entscheidungsanmerkung
zu OGH 20.12.2011, 17 Ob 22/11a [No
Liability for a Corporation for a Google AdWord
Campaign, Comment on Austrian Supreme Court 20.12.2011, 17 Ob 22/11a], 2012 Österreichische Blätter für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz
und Urheberrecht [ÖBl] 119 (Austria).
May 2012
Feiler & Michaela Petsche, Wie Urheber im Web zu ihrem Recht
kommen könnten [How Copyright Holders Could Enforce Their Rights Online], Die Presse, May 7, 2012, at 16
April 2012
Lukas Feiler, Facebook-Fremdpostings können teuer werden [Third-Party
Facebook Postings Can Come at a High Price], Der Standard, Apr. 18, 2012, at 23 (Austria).
April 2012
Lukas Feiler, Website
Blocking Injunctions under EU and U.S. Copyright Law—Slow Death of the Global
Internet or Emergence of the Rule of National Copyright Law?, Stanford-Vienna Transatlantic Technology Law Forum
(TTLF) Working Paper No. 13.
March 2012
Alexander Schnider & Lukas Feiler, Musik für Patienten
und Freunde macht keine Abgabe nötig [Music
for Patients or Friends Does Not Require Royalty Payments], Die Presse, Mar. 26, 2012, at 16 (Austria).
March 2012
Lukas Feiler, Website-Sperren sind auch ohne ACTA Realität [Website
Blocking Injunctions are Reality even without ACTA], Der Standard, Mar. 7, 2012, at 26 (Austria).
February 2012
Feiler, Der Vorschlag der Europäischen Kommission für
eine Datenschutz-Grundverordnung der EU [The European Commission’s
Proposal for a General
Data Protection Regulation], 2011 Medien und Recht International
127 (Austria).
January 2012
Lukas Feiler, Händler haften für geknackte E-Gutscheine [Merchants
Face Liability for Hacked Electronic Gift Certificates], Der Standard, Jan. 18, 2012, at 23 (Austria).
January 2012
Alexander Schnider & Lukas Feiler, Internet-Recht: Eigene Regeln über Online-Fans nötig [Internet
Law: Separate Contractual Rules Needed for Twitter Followers], Die Presse, Jan. 16, 2012, at 16 (Austria).
November 2011
Feiler, Falsche Facebook-Freunde
können gesetzwidrig sein [False Facebook
Friends Can Be Illegal], Der Standard, Nov. 23, 2011,
at 23 (Austria).
November 2011
Alexander Schnider & Lukas Feiler, Videospiele: Sanktionen für eilige
Verkäufer [Video Games:
Sanctions Against Hasty Sellers], Die Presse, Nov. 21, 2011, at 16 (Austria).
November 2011
Lukas Feiler, Information Security Law in the EU
and the U.S. (Springer 2011).
October 2011
Feiler & Ana Stahov, Rechtliche Aspekte der
Netzneutralität und ihrer Einschränkung [Legal Aspects
of Net Neutrality and Its
Limitation], 2011 Medien und Recht
287 (Austria).
October 2011
Feiler, Besser einmal als 27-mal [Better One
Time Than 27 Times], Der Standard, Wirtschaft & Recht, Oct. 2011, at 18 (Austria).
September 2011
Lukas Feiler, Outages
of Critical Information Infrastructure under EU and U.S. Law – Transparency
v. Secrecy, Journal
of Internet Law,
Sept. 2011, at 1.
July 2011
Alexander Schnider & Lukas Feiler, 3D-Druck
und die Rechte Dritter [3D
Printing and the Rights of Third Parties], DiePresse,
July 18, 2011, at 9 (Austria).
June 2011
Feiler & Ana Stahov, Die Einführung der
Vorratsdatenspeicherung in Österreich [The Implementation
of Traffic Data Retention in Austria], 2011 Medien und Recht 111 (Austria).
See also:
my interview about traffic data retention in treffpunkt, the magazine of the Chamber of Labour of
Lower Austria, 03/2011, 5
April 2011
Lukas Feiler, Information
Security Law in the EU and the U.S. – A Risk-Based Assessment of Regulatory
Policies, Stanford-Vienna Transatlantic
Technology Law Forum (TTLF) Working Paper No. 9.
March 2011
Lukas Feiler, Separation
of Ownership and the Authorization to Use Personal Computers: Unintended
Effects of EU and US Law on IT Security, 27 Santa Clara Computer & High
Tech. L.J. 131 (2011), based on Lukas Feiler, Separation of Ownership and the Authorization to Use Personal
Computers: Unintended Effects of EU and U.S. Law on IT Security, Stanford-Vienna
Transatlantic Technology Law Forum (TTLF) Working Paper No. 5.
January 2011
Feiler, Beeinträchtigungen
der Meinungsäußerungsfreiheit durch die Zensur des Internets in China und im
Iran [Impairment of the Freedom of Expression by
Internet Censorship in China and Iran], in Nothing to hide nothing
to fear?: Datenschutz – Transparenz – Solidarität. Jahrbuch Menschenrechte
2011 [Nothing to hide nothing to fear?:
Data Protection – Transparency – Solidarity. Yearbook Human Rights 2011] 269
(Heiner Bielefeldt et al. eds., 2011).
December 2010
Lukas Feiler, The Legality of the Data
Retention Directive in Light of the Fundamental Rights to Privacy and Data
Protection, 1 European Journal
of Law and Technology 3 (2010), based on Lukas Feiler, The Legality of the Data Retention Directive in Light of the
Fundamental Rights to Privacy and Data Protection, TTLF
Working Paper No. 7.
December 2010
Stephan Steinhofer & Lukas Feiler, Urheberrechtliche Ansprüche auf
die Sperrung von Websites durch
Access-Provider [Claims
Under Copyright Law for the Blockage of Websites by Internet Access Providers], 2010 Medien und Recht 322 (Austria).
November 2010
Feiler, Facebook: Vor
österreichischen Gerichten? [Facebook: Before Austrian Courts?], output, Nov. 2010, at 17 (Austria).
See also:
my interview about cyber mobbing, futurezone.at,
January 15, 2011
my TV interview about mobbing and other legal issues
surrounding Facebook, ORF Newton, November 13, 2010
my interview about legal issues surrounding Facebook, published in the print edition of Kurier, September 27, 2010
September 2010
Lukas Feiler, Jailbreaking
– Der Ausbruch aus restriktiven Geschäftsmodellen [Jailbreaking—Breaking
out of Restrictive Business Models], output,
Sept. 2010, at 15 (Austria).
July 2010
Lukas Feiler, Data Privacy – Unterschiede in EU und USA [Data
Privacy—Differences in the EU and the USA], output, July-Aug. 2010, at 15 (Austria).
June 2010
Lukas Feiler, Identity Theft
- Rechtlicher Rahmen [Identity Theft—The Legal
Framework], output, June 2010, at 15 (Austria).
April 2010
Lukas Feiler, New
Approaches to Network and Information Security Regulation: The EU Telecoms
Package, 2 Computer
Law Review International 43 (2010) (F.R.G.).
October 2009
Feiler, Data Breach
Notification nach österreichischem Recht [Data Breach
Notification under Austrian Law], 2009 Medien und Recht 281 (Austria).
September 2009
Lukas Feiler, Meinungsäußerung:
Online anonym [Anonymous Free Speech Online], output, Sept. 2009, at 13 (Austria).
September 2009
Feiler, Security Breach Notification: Informationspflichten bei der Verletzung der
Sicherheit personenbezogener Daten [Security Breach Notification: Obligations to Notify Breaches of the Security of Personal Data], in Innovation und internationale Rechtspraxis
- Praxisschrift für Wolfgang Zankl [Innovation and
International Legal Practice: Festschrift for
Wolfgang Zankl] 147 (Lukas Feiler
& Maximilian Raschhofer eds.,
May 2009
Lukas Feiler, Data Mining als
„Anti-Terror-Maßnahme“ [Data Mining as an “Anti-Terror Measure“], output, May 2009, at 17 (Austria).
March 2009
Wolfgang Zankl & Lukas Feiler, Das Fürstentum
Liechtenstein als Daten-Standort
- Legistische Maßnahmen zur Stärkung der Konkurrenzfähigkeit [The
Principality of Liechtenstein as a Location for Data Storage—Regulatory
Measures to Improve Competitiveness] (2009) (Austria) (unpublished, on file
with authors).
February 2009
Lukas Feiler, Freedom of
Information: Recht auf Transparenz [Freedom of
Information: A Right to Transparency], output,
Feb. 2009, at 17 (Austria).
February 2009
Lukas Feiler, Maximilian Raschhofer,
Manuel Boka, Christian Simon & Ana Stahov, Auf
dem Weg zum Überwachungsstaat? Neue Überwachungsmaßnahmen im Bereich der
Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie [On
the Way to the Surveillance State? New Information and Communication Technology Surveillance Measures] (Wolfgang Zankl ed., 2009), cited approvingly in Austrian
Constitutional Court [VfGH] 29.06.2012, case no.
September 2008
Lukas Feiler, Personenbezogene Daten: Data
Breach Notification [Personal Data:
Data Breach Notification], output, Sept. 2008, at 12 (Austria).
July 2008
Lukas Feiler, The
Data Retention Directive (2008).
July 2008
Lukas Feiler, Offene Formate: Eine rechtliche Notwendigkeit [Open Document
Formats: A Legal Necessity], output, July-Aug. 2008, at 14 (Austria).
May 2008
Feiler, Online-Vertrag: Abschluss nur nach
Extra-Mail-Bestätigung? [Formation
of Online Contracts: Only After E-Mail Confirmations?], output, May 2008, at 15 (Austria).
See also: Interview in Die
Presse, print edition, April 22, 2008.
March 2008
Lukas Feiler, XML_Query2XML:
Von SQL zu XML [XML_Query2XML: From SQL to XML], 3 PhpSolutions 60 (2008).
July 2007
Lukas Feiler, Second
Hand Software - Der Erschöpfungsgrundsatz
im österreichischen Urheberrecht [Second
Hand Software – The First-Sale Doctrine in Austrian Copyright Law], output, July-Aug. 2007, at 19 (Austria).
June 2007
Feiler, Max Raschhofer & T. S., Vorratsdatenspeicherung - Kommt
der Überwachungsstaat? [Data Retention – The
Emergence of the Surveillance State?] Anwalt Aktuell, June 2007, at 30 (Austria).
May 2007
Lukas Feiler
et al., Stellungnahme an den Nationalrat zur Umsetzung der Vorratsdatenspeicherungs-RL [Position
Paper Regarding the Implementation of the EU Data Retention Directive,
submitted to the Austrian Parliament] (May 29, 2007) (Austria).
March 2007
Lukas Feiler, Botnets: Spamming, Phishing und DDoS
Attacks im großen Stil [Botnets: Spamming, Phishing and DDoS
Attacks on a Large Scale], Anwalt Aktuell, Mar. 2007, at 30 (Austria).
December 2006
Lukas Feiler, E-Center
Information Security Threat Update: Man-in-the-Middle Attacks (2006) (Austria).
November 2006
Feiler, Data Retention: Sinnlose Sache? [Data Retention:
A Pointless Effort?], output, Nov.
2006, at 17 (Austria).
September 2006
Lukas Feiler, E-Center
Information Security Threat Update: Social Engineering (2006) (Austria).
July 2006
Lukas Feiler, Haften
Hersteller oder Händler für Sicherheitslücken in Standardsoftware? [Are Software
Producers or Vendors Liable for Security Vulnerabilities in Software?], output, July-Aug. 2006, at 17 (Austria).
June 2006
contributions regarding the legal protection of databases and software:
Antony Raynoschek, Lukas Feiler, Martin Hischenhuber, Katharina Hubik,
Karl Lechner, Clemens Stadler
& David Wurmbäck, Schutz
Geistigen Eigentums in der Informationsgesellschaft
[Protection of Intellectual Property in the Information Society] (2006)
(unpublished e-center study).
May 2006
Lukas Feiler, E-Center
Information Security Threat Update: Botnets (2006) (Austria).
May 2006
Lukas Feiler
& Achim Brock, E-Center
Information Security Threat Update: MS Word 0-day Exploit (2006) (Austria).
March 2006
Lukas Feiler
& Achim Brock, E-Center
Information Security Threat Update: MS Internet Explorer createTextRange()
Vulnerability (2006) (Austria).
March 2006
Lukas Feiler
& Achim Brock, E-Center
Information Security Threat Update: DDoS durch DNS Amplification Attacks [E-Center
Information Security Threat Update: DDoS through
DNS Amplification Attacks] (2006) (Austria).
March 2006
Lukas Feiler
& Achim Brock, E-Center
Information Security Threat Update: Sendmail Race
Condition (2006) (Austria).
January 2006
Lukas Feiler, Zur strafrechtlichen Beurteilung von IT-Sicherheitslücken [The
Significance of IT Security Vulnerabilities under Computer Crime Law] (2008) (Austria).
In this paper, I argued that hacking did not constitute a crime according to
§ 118a(1) Austrian Criminal Code if performed by exploiting
vulnerabilities that do not directly lead to the destruction of data (e.g.
command injection, SQL injection, or race conditions). In 2007, pointing to
the specific vulnerabilities identified in my paper, the law was amended