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May 2017

Interview about the changes under the GDPR in Fabian Schmid, Was die Datenschutzverordnung bringt: Sammelklagen, Beauftragte [What the GDPR has in Store: Class Actions, Officers], Der Standard, May 19, 2017, at 24 (Austria).

April 2017

Interview about the changes to Austrian law accommodating the GDPR in Stefan Mey, Warten auf die nächsten Datenschutz-Details [Waiting For the Next Data Protection Details], Horizont, April 14, 2017 (Austria).

April 2017

Interview about parents’ liability for their childrens’ online transactions in Karl Gaulhofer, Wenn Kinder im Netz die Konten der Eltern plündern [When Kids Raid Their Parents’ Accounts Online], Die Presse, April 13, 2017, at 13 (Austria).

April 2017

Interview about the challenges of the digital revolution in the legal industry in Benedikt Kommenda, Wie erst Computer Rechte effektiv machen [How Computers Will Make the Law Effective], Die Presse, April 3, 2017, at 15 (Austria).

March 2017

Interview about the repeal of the FCC’s broadband consumer privacy rules in Barbara Wimmer, Provider verkaufen Nutzerdaten: Auswirkungen auf Europa [Internet Provider To Sell User Data: Effects for Europe],, March 29, 2017 (Austria).

March 2017

Interview about changes under the GDPR in Christina Badelt, Alles neu im Datenschutz [Everything New in Data Protection], Kurier, March 29, 2017, enclosure at 6 (Austria).

February 2017

Interview about the creation of private copies through the use of online video recorders Angelika Marton, Der Videorekorder der Zukunft [The Video Recorder of the Future], TV-Media 7/2017, February 11, 2017, at 134 (Austria).

January 2017

Interview about quick freeze as an alternative to traffic data retention in Fabian Schmid, Regierung will Telekomdaten einfrieren [Government Wants to Freeze Telecommunications Data], Der Standard, January 31, 2017, at 7 (Austria).

January 2017

Interview about the game-changers of the GDPR in Stefan Mey, Datenschutz 2018: Die 10 wichtigsten Punkte [Data Protection 2018: The 10 Most Important Points], Horizont Online, January 23, 2017 (Austria).

January 2017

Interview about the new EU e-Privacy Regulation in Christine Kary, EU-Kommission will Millionenstrafen für Spammer [EU Commission Wants Million Euro Fine for Spammers], Die Presse, January 19, 2017, at 22 (Austria).

January 2017

Interview about my book on the General Data Protection Regulation in Neuer Kommentar zur Datenschutz-Grundverordnung [New Commentary on the General Data Protection Regulation], Extrajournal.Net, January 18, 2017 (Austria).

January 2017

Interview about the new regulation of Cookies in Fabian Schmid, EU will Cookie-Warnungen wieder verschwinden lassen [EU Wants Cookie Warnings to Disappear Again], Der Standard, January 13, 2017, at 24 (Austria).

January 2017

Interview about the new regulation of Cookies in Barbara Wimmer, EU-Kommission will mehr Datenschutz für WhatsApp und bei Internet-Cookies [EU Commission Wants More Data Protection for WhatsApp and for Internet Cookies], Kurier, January 13, 2017, at 23 (Austria).

January 2017

Interview about my new book on the General Data Protection Regulation in Erster Kommentar zur Datenschutz-Grundverordnung erschienen [First Commentary on the General Data Protection Regulation Published],, January 12, 2017 (Austria).

January 2017

Interview about the new regulation of Cookies in Thomas Prenner & Barbara Wimmer, EU-Kommission plant Aus für Cookie-Hinweise auf Webseiten [EU Commission Plans End of Cookie Notices on Websites],, January 12, 2017 (Austria).

December 2016

Radio report about my q/Talk on the General Data Protection Regulation at quintessenz, Radio Orange, December 2, 2016.

November 2016

Interview on the challenges of the General Data Protection Regulation, public broadcasting station Österreich1 (Ö1), Digital Leben [To Live Digital], November 30, 2016.

November 2016

Interview about a prank call app on Servus TV on the show “Servus Journal”, November 28, 2016.

November 2016

Interview on LegalTech and the effects on the legal industry in Baker & McKenzie zu Legal Tech: Uber-Effekt bei Anwälten?, Extrajournal.Net, November 8, 2016

November 2016

Interview on LegalTech and the effects on the legal industry in Droht Anwaltsbranche der Uber-Effekt? [Does the Uber-Effect Threaten the Legal Industry?],, November 8, 2016.

September 2016

Interview about the impact of the ECJ’s ruling Mc Fadden (C-484/14) and the riks of operating an open WiFi network in Christine Kary, Droht das Aus für öffentliches Gratis-WLAN? [Free Public WiFi Networks under Threat], Die Presse, September 22, 2016, at 19 (Austria).

September 2016

Interview about the new ancillary copyright for press publishers in Michael Leitner, EU will Google und Facebook für Links zur Kasse bitten [EU Wants to Force Google and Facebook to Pay for Links], Kurier, September 15, 2016, at 20 (Austria).

September 2016

Interview about the new ancillary copyright for press publishers in Michael Leitner, EU: Posten von Links könnte kostenpflichtig werden [EU: Posting of Links Could Become Subject to Fees],, September 14, 2016.

August 2016

Interview about the impact of the ECJ’s ruling in  VKI v. Amazon, case no. C‑191/15 in Jabeen Bhatti, EU Countries Have Limited Reach to Amazon, Bloomberg BNA, Privacy & Security Law Report, August 1, 2016.

July 2016

Interview about the effect of the U.S. Privacy Shield in Warum eine Neuregelung mit den USA notwendig war [Why New Rules Where Needed], Kurier, July 13, 2016, at 9 (Austria).

July 2016

Interview about the deficiencies of the U.S. Privacy Shield in Barbara Wimmer, EU und USA beschließen Privacy Shield trotz massiver Kritik [EU and U.S. Adopt Privacy Shield Despite Massive Criticism],, July, 12 2016.

May 2016

Interview about children’s privacy in Patrick Dax, Strafen für Kinderfotos im Netz [Penalties  for Publishing Children’s Photos Online], Kurier, May 10, 2016, at 31.

May 2016

Interview about children’s privacy in Patrick Dax, Harte Strafen für Kinderfotos auf Facebook & Co. [Severe Penalties Children’s Photos on Facebook],, May 9, 2016.

April 2016

Interview about the implications of the General Data Protection Regulation in Cindy Waxer, EU data privacy reboot: A burden or a big break for CIOs?, I‑CIO, April 2016.

March 2016

Interview about the legal limits of financial incentives for positive social media comments in Barbara Wimmer, Wiener Lokal: 30 Euro für „faire“ Online-Bewertung [Viennese Restaurant: 30 Euro for “Fair” Online Reviews],, March 1, 2016 (Austria).

February 2016

Interview about the international jurisdiction for reclaiming hard disk levies in Der Standard, Festplattenabgabe: Amazon droht Niederlage vor EU-Höchstgericht [Hard Disk Levy: Amazon May Lose in Front of EU Court],, February 17, 2016 (Austria).

February 2016

Interview about the enforcement challenges against domain grabbers in Fabian Schmid, Domain schnappen: Rechtlich heikel [Grabbing a Domain: Legally Risky], Der Standard, February 2, 2016, at 18 (Austria).

January 2016

Interview about data breach notification requirements in Fabian Schmid, Datendiebstahl an Universität Graz [Data Theft at the University Graz],, January 8, 2016, at 8 (Austria).

December 2015

Interview about the legal uncertainty created by the General Data Protection Regulation in Barbara Wimmer, Zwischen Bürokratiemonster und starken Verbraucherrechten [Between Bureaucracy Monster and Strong Consumer Rights],, December 16, 2015 (Austria).

December 2015

Interview about the legal uncertainty created by the General Data Protection Regulation in medianet, EU-Datenschutz: Die Reform polarisiert [EU Data Protection: The Reform Polarizes],, December 16, 2015 (Austria).

December 2015

Interview about the limits of children’s consent under the General Data Protection Regulation in Gregor Kucera, EU-Datenschutzverordnung: Das Internet bekommt eine Altersbeschränkung [EU Data Protection Regulation: The Internet Is Subjected to an Age Limit],, December 16, 2015 (Austria).

December 2015

Interview about the practical implications of the General Data Protection Regulation in Birgit Riegler, Was auf Facebook und Google zukommt: Mehr Datenschutz, weniger Hasspostings [What Lies Ahead for Facebook and Google: More Data Protection, Fewer Hate Postings],, December 16, 2015 (Austria).

November 2015

Interview about the State Protection Act and legal limits of state surveillance, ORF “Zeit im Bild 2”, Nov. 30, 2015, 10 p.m.

November 2015

Interview about children’s right to privacy on social networking website in Renate Kromp & Christine Lugmayr, Look Who’s Blogging [Schau mal wer da bloggt], News 47/2015, Nov. 28, 2015, at 78 (Austria).

November 2015

Interview about the necessity of treating data subjects as controllers in Daniel AJ Sokolov, Datenjuristin Kotschy: Facebook-User sind nicht nur Opfer [Data Lawyer Kotschy: Facebook Users Are Not Only Victims],, Nov. 26, 2015 (F.R.G.)

November 2015

Interview about the practical impact of the invalidation of Safe Harbor in Manfred Gruber, Der Pyrrhussieger – „Safe Harborist Geschichte. Und jetzt? [The Pyrrhic Victor – “Safe Harbor” is History. And Now?], E‑Media, November 20, 2015, at 44 (Austria).

October 2015

Interview about the ECJ decision in Case C-347/14 classifying an Austrian online newspaper, the Tiroler Tageszeitung, as an audiovisual media service in Jabeen Bhatti, CJEU Ruling Prompts Digital Strategy Rethink by Newspapers, Bloomberg BNA (Bureau of National Affairs), Oct. 30, 2015.

October 2015

Interview about the Vienna Higher Regional Court affirming Austrian jurisdiction in the case of Schrems v. Facebook in Jabeen Bhatti, Austria Facebook Ruling May Have Class Implications, Bloomberg BNA (Bureau of National Affairs), Oct. 23, 2015.

October 2015

Interview about the impermissibility of reintroducing traffic data retention in Rudolf Felser, Österreich: Neuer Vorstoß in Richtung Vorratsdatenspeicherung [Austria: New Push Towards Data Retention],, Oct. 21, 2015 (Austria).

October 2015

Interview about the incompatibility of the re-introduction of traffic data retention with fundamental rights in Rudolf Felser, Deutschland beschließt Vorratsdatenspeicherung [Germany Introduces Traffic Data Retention],, Oct. 16, 2015 (Austria).

October 2015

Interview about the invalidation of Safe Harbor in Gregor Kucera, Facebook: “Es ist kein Sieg für den Datenschutz [Facebook: “It is not a Victory for Data Protection”], Wiener Zeitung, Oct. 13, 2015, at 12 (Austria).

September 2015

Interview about the hacking of on-board computers of cars in Barbara Wimmer, Auto-Hacking in Österreich derzeit nicht strafbar [Car Hacking Currently not a Crime in Austria],, Sept. 8, 2015 (Austria).

July 2015

Interview about bank secrecy vs. banks’ disclosure obligations in case of copyright infringement and the ECJ decision in case C-580/13 in Barbara Wimmer, Urheberrechtsdelikte weichen Bankgeheimnis auf [Copyright Violations Soften Bank Secrecy],, July 21, 2015 (Austria).

July 2015

Interview about the copyright levy for hard disks and the necessity of a right to re-claim certain paid levies in Christine Kary, Vertrauensschutz gibt es keinen [“There is no Protection of Legitimate Expectation”], Die Presse, July 2, 2015, at 18 (Austria).

June 2015

Interview about the de-facto retroactivity of the new hard disk levy in Christine Kary, Verwirrspiel um „Rückwirkung [Deliberate Confusion about “Retroactive Application”], MSN.COM, June 25, 2015.

June 2015

Interview about the introduction of a hard disk levy despite a lack of established facts in Christine Kary, Datenbasis über Privatkopien fehlt [“Facts on Private Copies Are Unknown”], Die Presse, June 25, 2015, at 22 (Austria).

June 2015

Interview about the de-facto retroactivity of the new hard disk levy in Christine Kary, Verwirrspiel um „Rückwirkung [Deliberate Confusion about “Retroactive Application”], Die Presse, June 25, 2015, at 22 (Austria).

June 2015

Live TV interview about the risk of illegal downloads on Puls 4 TV, Café Plus, June 16, 2015 (Austria).

June 2015

Interview about the Austrian Copyright Amendment Act 2015 in Thomas Prenner, Neues Gesetz: Download aus illegaler Quelle rechtswidrig [New Law: Download from Illegal Source Prohibited], Kurier, June 6, 2015, at 10 (Austria).

June 2015

Interview about the Austrian Copyright Amendment Act 2015 in Thomas Prenner, Neues Gesetz: Download aus illegaler Quelle rechtswidrig [New Law: Download from Illegal Source Prohibited],, June 5, 2015 (Austria).

April 2015

Interview about copyright levies for hard disks in cross-border trade in Martin Stepanek, Warum Amazon keine Festplatten nach Österreich liefert [Why Amazon Does not Ship Hard Disks to Austria],, April 15, 2015 (Austria).

March 2015

Interview about data protection implications of license plate scanners in Fabian Schmid, Parkgaragen: Bei Ein- und Ausfahrt überwacht [Parking Garages: Under Surveillance Upon Entry and Exit],, March 30, 2015, at 16 (Austria).

March 2015

Interview about the merits of the ECJ decision on hard disk levies in the case of Copydan in Angelika Marton, Das letzte Gefecht [The Last Battle], E‑Media, March 20, 2015, at 8 (Austria).

March 2015

Interview about the inadequacies of Austrian computer crime law on the radio program Journal Panorama – Hacking: How Secure is our Digital Life? [Journal-Panorama - Hacking: Wie sicher ist unser digitales Leben?], public broadcasting station Österreich1 (Ö1), March 19, 2015, at 6:25 pm (Austria).

March 2015

Interview about the merits of the ECJ decision on hard disk levies in the case of Copydan in Christine Kary, EuGH-Urteil: Beide Seiten jubeln [Both Sides Rejoice], Die Presse, March 7, 2015, at 18 (Austria).

March 2015

Interview about the ECJ’s decision in the case of Copydan in Barbara Wimmer, Festplattenabgabe in Österreich obsolet [Hard Disk Levies Obsolete in Austria], Kurier, March 6, 2015, at 12 (Austria).

March 2015

Interview about the ECJ’s decision in the case of Copydan in Barbara Wimmer, Festplattenabgabe obsolet [Hard Disk Levies Obsolete],, March 5, 2015.

March 2015

Interview about the ECJ’s case law on hard disk levies in Christine Kary, Hard Disk Levies: Judgement Today [Abgabe auf Festplatten: Urteil heute], Die Presse, March 5, 2015, at 16 (Austria).

January 2015

Interview about the inadequacy of traffic data retention for the fight against “lone wolves” in Fabian Schmid, Nach Terror: Die Sehnsucht nach „Big Brother [After the Terror: Longing for “Big Brother”],, January 18, 2015 (Austria).

January 2015

Interview about the legal obstacles for the re-introduction of traffic data retention in Austria in Fabian Schmid, Vorratsdaten: Von Regierungen begehrt, laut Experten kaum wirksam [Data Retention: Desired by Government, Hardly Effective According to Experts],, January 12, 2015 (Austria).

December 2014

Interview about the Austrian government’s proposal for a constitutional act on the freedom of information in Recht auf Information ist klein [The Right to Freedom of Information is Small], Salzburger Nachrichten, December 4, 2014, at 2 (Austria).

December 2014

Interview about the Austrian government’s proposal for a constitutional act on the freedom of information in Maria Sterkl, Amtsgeheimnis: Mehr Lücken als Europa erlaubt [State Secrecy: More Deficiencies than Permissible in Europe], Der Standard, December 4, 2014, at 7.

November 2014

Interview on consumers’ distance sales rights in case of online auctions in Manfred Huber, Recht auf eBay [The Law on eBay], E‑Media, November 14, 2014, at 60 (Austria).

October 2014

Interview on the effectiveness of government surveillance in Fabian Schmid, Behördliche Überwachung kostet über 13 Millionen Euro [Government Surveillance Costs more than 13 Million], Der Standard, October 28, 2014, at 10 (Austria).

October 2014

Interview about the legal uncertainties created by the new e-book price regulation in Nationalrat: Buchpreisbindung auf E-Books ausgedehnt [National Assembly: Book Price Regulation Extended to Cover E-Books],, October 24, 2014 (Austria).

October 2014

Interview about the data protection-implications of many Internet giants’ attempts to enter in the payment processing and traditional banking business in Christine Kary, Die Nutzer zahlen mit Daten statt mit Geld [The Users Pay With Data Instead of Money], Die Presse, October 23, 2014, at 18-19 (Austria).

October 2014

Interview about data protection in the banking business in Christine Kary, Facebook und Twitter wildern im Bankgeschäft [Facebook and Twitter Enter the Banking Business], Wirtschaftsblatt, October 23, 2014, at 15 (Austria).

October 2014

Interview about the effects of extending the Book Price Regulation Act to cover e-books in Angelika Marton, Die E-Book-Novelle [The E-Book Amendment], E‑Media, October 17, 2014, at 10.

October 2014

Interview about the order of the Commercial Court Vienna to block the website in Jabeen Bhatti, Austrian Court Forces ISPs to Block Foreign Copyright Infringing Websites, Bloomberg BNA (Bureau of National Affairs), October 7, 2014.

October 2014

Interview about employee data protection in the context of corporate transactions Judith Hecht, Mitarbeiterdaten: ein heikles Gut [Employee Data: A Sensitive Good], Die Presse, October 2, 2014, at 19 (Austria).

October 2014

Interview about employee data protection in the context of corporate transactions in Mitarbeiterdaten: Heikles Thema bei Unternehmensübernahmen [Employee Data: Sensitive Topic in the Context of Corporate Takeovers], Wirtschaftsblatt, October 2, 2014, at 21 (Austria).

September 2014

Interview about the upcoming regulation of e-Book prices in Benedikt Kommenda, Preisbindung bald auch für E-Books [Price Regulation Soon also for E-Books], Die Presse, September 26, 2014, at 14 (Austria).

September 2014

Interview about the risks of introducing a price regulation for e-Books in Barbara Wimmer, Wirbel um Buchpreisbindung für E-Books [Objections Against Book Price Regulation for e-Book],, September 25, 2014 (Austria).

September 2014

Interview about the use of third-party photos posted on Twitter in Barbara Wimmer, ÖVP: Urheberrechtsverstoß auf Facebook [Austrian Conservative Party: Copyright Infringement on Facebook],, September 23, 2014 (Austria).

August 2014

Interview about IMEI-based blocking of stolen mobile phones in Fabian Schmid, Fünf Antworten zur Handy-Fernsperre per IMEI-Register [Five Answers to Remote Mobile Phone Blockings via IMEI Register],, August 19, 2014 (Austria).

August 2014

Interview about the blocking of copyright-infringing websites in Barbara Wimmer, Musikwirtschaft will Webseiten sperren [Music Industry Wants to Block Websites], Kurier, August 5, 2014, at 10.

July 2014

Interview about the legality under anti-trust law of online distribution restrictions in Christine Kary, Vertriebssysteme auf dem Prüfstand [Distribution systems under evaluation], Die Presse, July 31, 2014, at 18 (Austria).

July 2014

Interview about the legality of blocking access to the copyright-infringing website ThePrivateBay in Netzsperren für "Pirate Bay" und Co. beantragt [“Website blocking requested for “Pirate Bay” & Co.”],, July 31, 2014 (Austria).

July 2014

Interview about the question of whether the blocking of the website ThePirateBay is legally permissible, in Barbara Wimmer, "Pirate Bay-Sperre ist rechtlich nicht gedeckt" [“The Blocking of The Priate Bay Has No Legal Basis”],, July 30, 2014.

July 2014

Interview about the limits of the private copying exception and private copying levies in Angelika Marton, Das Ende der Privatkopie [The End of Private Copies], E-Media, July 25, 2014, at 12 (Austria).

July 2014

Interview about the effects of the annulment of the Austrian traffic data retention provisions, DataGuidance, July 10, 2014

July 2014

Interview about the effects of the annulment of the Austrian traffic data retention provisions, Bloomberg BNA (Bureau of National Affairs), July 7, 2014.

June 2014

Interview about the annulment of the Austrian traffic data retention provisions, quick freeze, and the limits of communications surveillance under the Criminal Procedure Act,, June 30, 2014 (Austria).

June 2014

Interview about the unreasonableness of copyright levies for hard discs in the age of cloud computing,, June 15, 2014 (Austria).

June 2014

Interview about the pending ECJ case Copydan vs. Nokia (C-463/12) and the effects on copyright levies for hard disks in Austria, Wirtschaftsblatt, June 12, 2014, at 17 (Austria).

June 2014

Interview about the pending ECJ case Copydan vs. Nokia (C-463/12) and the (un)fair compensation of copyright levies for hard disks, Die Presse, June 12, 2014, at 18 (Austria).

April 2014

Interview about the private copying levy for hard disks and the ECJ’s ACI Adam decision in Markus Kessler, Gericht stoppt Festplattenabgabe [Court Halts Hard Disk Levy], Kurier, April 11, 2014, at 25 (Austria).

April 2014

Interview about the future of the private copying levy for hard disks after the ECJ’s ACI Adam decision in Nach EuGH-Urteil wackeln Pläne für Festplattenabgabe [Plans for a Hard Disk Levy are Up in the Air after ECJ Decision], Der Standard, April 11, 2014, at 32 (Austria).

April 2014

Interview about the consequences of the ECJ’s decision in the case ACI Adam (C435/12) in Matthias Auer, Keine Abgabe auf Raubkopien: "Die Festplattenabgabe ist hinfällig" [No Levy for Copyright Infringements: “Private Copying Levy for Hard Disk is Obsolete”], Die Presse, April 11, 2014, at 19 (Austria).

April 2014

Interview about the consequences of the ECJ’s decision in the case ACI Adam in Neues EuGH-Urteil macht Festplattenabgabehinfällig [New ECJ Decision Renders Hard Disk Levy “Obsolete”], Wirtschaftsblatt, April 11, 2014, at 25 (Austria).

April 2014

Interview about the consequences of the ECJ’s decision in the case ACI Adam (C435/12) as regards Internet downloads in Markus Keßler, "Raubkopien sind in Österreich ab heute eindeutig illegal" [“Pirate Copies are Now Clearly Illegal in Austria”],, April 10, 2014.

April 2014

Interview about the ECJ’s decision in the case ACI Adam (C435/12) in Markus Keßler, Keine Festplattenabgabe auf Basis von illegalen Inhalten [No Private Copying Levy for Hard Disks on the Basis of Illegal Contents],, April 10, 2014.

April 2014

Interview about the economic effects of the invalidation of the Data Retention Directive in Datenschutz wäre Standortvorteil [“Data Protection Would be Economic Location Advantage”], Die Presse, April 10, 2014, at 19.

April 2014

Interview about the invalidation of the Data Retention Directive by the ECJ in Michael Laczynski, Privatsphäre: Fastenzeit für Datenhungrige [Privacy: Fasten Period for the Data-Hungry], Die Presse, April 9, 2014, at 3.

March 2014

Interview about the consequences of the ECJ’s website blocking injunction ruling in Christine Kary & Benedikt Kommenda, Pflicht zur Sperre illegaler Seiten [Duty to Block Illegal Websites], Die Presse, March 28, 2014, at 17 (Austria) reprinted in EuGH-Entscheidung: Provider müssen Seiten mit Raubkopien sperren [ECJ Decision: Providers have to Block Sites with Pirated Copies], Wirtschaftsblatt, March 28, 2014, at 20 (Austria).

March 2014

Interview about the ECJ’s ruling on website blocking injunctions in Benedikt Kommenda,“: EuGH macht das Urheberrecht scharf [”: ECJ Arms Copyright Law],, March  27, 2014

July 2013

Interview about “Data Protection and Big Data”, Öffentliche Sicherheit 7‑8/2013, at 80.

June 2013

Interview about Big Data and data protection: “Use of Big Data Often Violates Data Protection“, Der Standard, June 12, 2013, at 38.

February 2013

Interview on the Campus Radio of the University of Vienna on the program “Subjektiv-Objektiv” on the issue of “Identity – Über-Identity – Cyber Identity – Self-portrayal Online”, February 27, 2013.

September 2012

Interview about data protection, the right to be forgotten and its application to personal data published on the Internet,, Sept. 20, 2012.

July 2012

Interview about the data breach notification requirements under the draft of the EU General Data Protection Regulation, Security Management Magazine, July 2012.

May 2012

Interview about the most important changes to be introduced by the new General Data Protection Regulation of the EU,, May 8, 2012.

March 2012

Interview about the conflict between the new General Data Protection Regulation of the EU and the U.S. Patriot Act,, Mar. 23, 2012.

January 2012

Interview about the legal risks’s users are facing after’s servers have been seized due to claims of copyright infringement,, Jan. 25, 2012.

January 2012

Interview about website blocking injunctions, the Stop Online Piracy Act, and the PROTECT IP Act, print edition of Kurier, Jan. 18, 2012, at 11 (Austria); also published online at

September 2011

Interview about the legal consequences of hacking, Österreich, Sept. 30, 2011, at 8.

September 2011

TV interview about the limited extent to which hacking constitutes a punishable offense under Austrian computer crime law, ORF “Zeit im Bild, Sept. 29, 2011, at 13:00 and 19:30.

August 2011

Interview about EU data protection law and the “right to be forgotten”: Just Give Me The Right to Be Forgotten, New York Times, Aug. 21, 2011, at BU3.

August 2011

Interview about the legal situation parents are facing when they post photos of their kids on social networking platforms,, Aug. 8, 2011.

August 2011

Interview about the liability under copyright law for linking to infringing websites,, Aug. 1, 2011.

July 2011

Interview about Austrian computer crime law and its application to “hacker groups” such as Anonymous or LulzSec, print edition of Kurier, July 22, 2011, at 13 (Austria).

July 2011

Interview about Austrian computer crime law,, July 22, 2011.

June 2011

Interview about the transposition of the Data Retention Directive in Austria, Treffpunkt – Magazine of the Chamber of Labour Lower Austria, 03/2011, at 5.

May 2011

Interview about the new “International Strategy for Cyberspace” of the U.S., Pressetext Austria, May 17 2011

January 2011

Interview about the legal aspects of cyber mobbing,, Jan. 15, 2011.

December 2011

Interview about the protection of children online pursuant to the newly amended German “Jugendmediendienste-Staatsvertrag,” Pressetext Austria, Dec. 1, 2010.

November 2011

TV interview about mobbing and other legal issues surrounding Facebook, ORF “Newton”, November 13, 2010.

September 2010

Interview about legal issues surrounding Facebook, published in the print edition of Kurier, Sept. 27, 2010, at 11.

May 2010

Interview about Google Street View’s data collection practices, published in the print edition of Der Standard, May 18, 2010.

November 2009

Interview about the Ministerial draft for the transposition of the EU Data Retention Directive in Austria, print edition of E-Media, Nov. 27, 2009, at 8.

November 2009

Interview about the transposition of the EU Data Retention Directive in Austria and Germany, Pressetext Austria, 6 November 2009

October 2009

Interview about identity theft and data protection online,, Oct. 26, 2009.

February 2009

Interview about the ECJ’s ruling on the legality of the EU Data Retention Directive, print edition of Die Presse, Feb. 17, 2009.

April 2008

Interview about e-contract formation, published in the print edition of Die Presse, Apr. 22, 2008.

March 2008

Interview on Radio Orange: discussing government hacking, the new police powers and the Data Retention Directive, Mar. 14, 2008.

February 2008

Interview on Radio Orange: discussing secret surveillance without judicial oversight.

January 2008

Interview on Pro7 Austria News: discussing the legality of workplace surveillance.

May 2007

Interview on Radio Orange on the Data Retention Directive, May 31, 2007.